How is Graduation Rate calculated?

When students enter 9th grade they enter a graduation cohort, a group of students who begin as first time 9th graders in a particular school year and who graduate with a regular high school diploma in four years or less. If a student does not graduate on time (within that 4 years), the student will not count against as part of that year’s graduation rate.

Cohorts can be adjusted throughout the 4-year term. A cohort is adjusted by adding any students transferring into a cohort in a school and by subtracting any students who transfer out or are otherwise allowed to be removed from the cohort.

Students are not counted in a school’s graduation rate when exiting before the end of their four years of expected enrollment in high school grades 9-12 for any of the following reasons, but only when districts obtain the documentation required by federal regulation:

  • Transferred to a home school curriculum or another diploma granting high school
  • Moved out of the country
  • Deceased 

A student who transfers into a school, is required to be assigned to the cohort in which the student started 9th grade for the first time, even if this event occurred in a different district or school. 

A student not counted as graduating in four years may have:

  • Dropped out, been rumored to transfer (no written confirmation), or left for reasons unknown by the school
  • Left school to participate in a non-high school diploma granting educational or trade program (including GED)
  • Attended high school in grades 9-12 for 4 full years without graduating (may still be seeking a diploma in 5 or 6 years)
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Sweetwater County School District #1 Graduation Policy

Graduation Requirements
Graduation from the District's High Schools requires successful completion of specific requirements of Wyoming law and District policy. Only those students who have completed graduation requirements may take part in graduation ceremonies.

Student Responsibility
Students and their legal parent(s) or guardian(s) are responsible for compliance with these graduation requirements. Graduation requirements begin in the ninth (9th) grade and continue through the twelfth (12th) grade. Specific credits or courses must be successfully completed according to the Wyoming Content and Performance Standards, as amended.

High School Diploma Requirements
I. Rock Springs High School & Black Butte High School Credit Requirements:
To be eligible to graduate from Rock Springs High School or Black Butte High School, students must earn a minimum of twenty four (24) credits* in grades nine (9) through twelve (12). All courses from grades nine (9) through twelve (12) will be counted towards the grade point average (GPA) and class rank, according to the school handbook. Specific course and credit requirements include:
     Four Credits English / Language Arts
     Three Credits Mathematics
     Three Credits Science
     Three Credits Social Studies**
     One half Credit Health and Safety
     One half Credit Physical Education
     One half Credit Career or Vocational Education
     One half Credit Fine Art or Performing Arts
     One half Credit Foreign Cultures or Language
     Eight and One half Credits Elective
          Twenty Four Credits Total
* Credit means the credit earned during a school year that reflects the instructional time provided in a class
calculated by multiplying the number of minutes the district uses for a class by the number of pupil-teacher
contact days in the District calendar. Wyoming Department of Education Rules, Ch. 31, Sec. 4(g).
**Including U.S. history, World history, American government and economic systems and institutions. All students
must satisfactorily pass an examination on the principles of the Constitutions of the United States and the State of
Wyoming (Wyo. Stat. § 21-9-102).
***Courses taken before grade nine (9) used to satisfy high school diploma requirements shall be aligned to the
state standards in grades nine (9) through twelve (12) and counted towards graduation.
File: IKF

II. Farson-Eden High School Credit Requirements:
To be eligible to graduate from Farson High School, students must earn a minimum of twenty eight (28) credits* in grades nine (9) through twelve (12). All courses from grades nine (9) through twelve (12) will count towards the grade point average (GPA) and class rank, according to the school handbook. Specific course and credit requirements include:
     Four Credits English / Language Arts
     Three Credits Mathematics
     Three Credits Science
     Three Credits Social Studies**
     One half Credit Physical Education
     One half Credit Health and Safety
     One Credit Career or Vocational Education
     One Credit Personal Finance
     One Credit Fine Arts or Performing Arts
     One Credit Applied technology
     One half Credit Foreign Cultures or Language
     Nine and One half Credits Electives
          Twenty Eight Credits Total
* Credit means the credit earned during a school year that reflects the instructional time provided in a class
calculated by multiplying the number of minutes the district uses for a class by the number of pupil-teacher
contact days in the District calendar. Wyoming Department of Education Rules, Ch. 31, Sec. 4(g).
**Including U.S. history, World history, *government and economic systems and institutions. All students must
satisfactorily pass an examination on the principles of the Constitutions of the United States and the State of
Wyoming (Wyo. Stat. § 21-9-102).
***Courses taken before grade nine (9) used to satisfy high school diploma requirements shall be aligned to the
state standards in grades nine (9) through twelve (12) and counted towards graduation.

General Diploma:  Issued by either Rock Springs High School or Black Butte High School
In addition to the outlined course work students must have a consent meeting with their guardian, administrator, and counselor/social worker where the General Diploma is clearly explained and consent attained. District reserves the right of placement. Students who choose the general diploma option may not qualify for any level of Hathaway Scholarship or other scholarship opportunities. Placement for the general diploma track is available after completion of the second semester of the freshman year.
Students must meet the following graduation requirements:
Specific course and credit requirements include:
     Four Credits English / Language Arts
     Three Credits Mathematics
     Three Credits Science
     Three Credits Social Studies**
     Half Credit Health
     Half Credit Personal Finance
     Four Elective credits, 2 credits concentrated in at least one content area, that are career oriented.
     File: IKF
           Eighteen credits total
* Credit means the credit earned during a school year that reflects the instructional time provided in a class calculated by multiplying the number of minutes the district uses for a class by the number of pupil-teacher contact days in the District calendar. Wyoming Department of Education Rules, Ch. 31, Sec. 4(g). Wyoming Department of Education Rules, Ch. 31, Sec. 4(g).
**Including U.S. history, World history, American government and economic systems and institutions. All students must satisfactorily pass an examination on the principles of the Constitutions of the United States and the State of Wyoming (Wyo. Stat. § 21-9-102). Students with Disabilities; Certificate Option The District will provide eligible students with disabilities the opportunity to graduate from high school, take part in graduation exercises, and to receive documentation of such formal training/education completion through the
awarding of either a high school diploma or a certificate of completion.
I. High School or General Diploma: A high school or general diploma will be awarded to all students, with and without disabilities, who satisfy the graduation requirements under this policy.
II. Certificate of Completion: The District recognizes that students with disabilities may be working on different standards from other students and endeavors to acknowledge the academic achievement of those individuals. A Certificate of Completion (formerly known as a Certificate of Attendance) will be awarded to students who do not meet the requirements for graduation with a high school or general diploma but who meet requirements set forth in their Individual Education Plan (IEP). The requirements for a Certificate of Completion are set by a student’s IEP team and are unique to each student. If a student receiving a Certificate of Completion is less than twenty-one years of age, the student has a continued right to attend public school until the end of the school year in which the student reaches age twenty-one or until the student has earned a high school diploma, whichever is earlier. A Certificate of Completion is a certificate option and not recognized as a high school or general diploma under state law.
Enrollment Requirements
Students eligible for graduation shall be those enrolled full time in grades nine (9) through twelve (12). Full-time enrollment is defined according to the particular school’s handbook. Upon proof of extenuating circumstances, specific written permission for exceptions may be granted only by the building principal. No diploma or credit for a course which has been completed successfully shall be denied a pupil who has earned it, provided such diploma or credit shall not be deemed earned until payment has been made for all indebtedness due to the District.
Transferring Students
Students who transfer to Sweetwater County School District Number One from accredited schools shall be given credit for previous coursework based upon an evaluation of transcripts, credits, grades and, if necessary at the discretion of the building Principal, through District selected assessments. Students transferring from home school programs shall be assessed under the District Policy File IGCB, home schooling. Students transferring from non-accredited and/or non-diploma granting institutions may be given credit for previous coursework at the discretion of the building Principal and Curriculum Director if a review of each course description shows that the completed course is substantially the same as a credited course offered throughtout the District, and the course meets both district and state standards. In determining whether to accept the course, the building Principal and Curriculum Director may also consider the student’s transcripts, credits, grades and, if necessary at the discretion of the building Principal and Curriculum Director, require District selected assessments. Refer to IKF-R.
File: IKF
Remediation Opportunities
Students experiencing difficulty in specific courses or with overall graduation requirements should promptly consult the guidance counselor. The District offers a variety of programs and services for students needing additional assistance in specific areas.
Adopted: 05/24/76
Revised : 01/15/79 08/09/79 02/28/83 03/12/84 02/8/99 02/26/01
06/09/86 12/08/86 06/26/89 02/10/97 02/28/00 05/27/02
03/12/07 01/28/08 09/09/13 12/09/13 03/12/18 07/17/19
LEGAL REF: W.S. 21,1-64 (b)
Wyoming Education Policies Reference Manual, Code IKF
School District #1, Sweetwater County, Wyoming


Graduation Policy (IKF)


Graduation Rates

 Click here:  Graduation Data

District Graduation Rate

To see the Sweetwater #1 district graduation rates, please click here.  The data at this link shows all of Wyoming districts and individual school data.  The data includes categories such as "All Students" and several different reporting categories.   The historical graduation data is available for 12 prior years.  Additional graduation data including the Wyoming state graduation rate, please can be accessed by clicking here



Graduation Rates by School

To see the Sweetwater #1 Graduation Rates, please click here.  The data at this link shows all of Wyoming districts and individual school data.  The data includes categories such as "All Students" and several different reporting categories.  The historical graduation data is available for 12 prior years. Additional graduation data including the Wyoming state graduation rate, please can be accessed by clicking here.  






English Language Learner (ELL) Graduation Rate

To see the Sweetwater #1 English Language Learner (ELL) Graduation Rates, please click here.  The data at this link shows all of Wyoming districts and individual school data.  The data includes categories such as "All Students" and several different reporting categories including EL data.  The historical graduation data is available for 12 prior years.  Additional graduation data including the Wyoming state graduation rate, please can be accessed by clicking here.  



Individual Education Plan (IEP) Graduation Rate

    To see the Sweetwater #1 students with an IEP graduation rates, please click here.  The data at this link shows all of Wyoming districts and individual school data.  The data includes categories such as "All Students" and several different reporting categories including students with IEP data.  The historical graduation data is available for 12 prior years.  Additional graduation data including the Wyoming state graduation rate, please can be accessed by clicking here.  



Graduation Support

Additional Graduation Data

Additional graduation data can be found by clicking here