What is Title I?
Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) helps disadvantaged children meet challenging content and student performance standards. Title IA provides financial assistance through state to the schools with high numbers of children from low-income families, for school programs which target individual students most at risk of not meeting the standards, and to local institutions for neglected or delinquent children.
Title I Staff
Jessica Libbee-Director of Grants and Federal Programs
Rita Isaacson-Title I Secretary
Karen Bear-Title I Parent Liaison
Title I Supports Schools by:
- Improving teaching through promotion of effective instruction for at-risk children and enriched and accelerated programs
- Expanding eligibility of schools for school-wide programs that serve all children
- Encouraging school-based planning
- Establishing accountability based results
- Promoting effective parental participation
- Supporting coordination with health and social services agencies
- Focusing resources on the schools with the highest percentage of students in poverty
School-Wide Title I Programs
A school-wide Title I program upgrades the entire educational program of a school with 40% or more of the children from low income families.
School-Wide Title I Program schools are:
- Desert Elementary
- Desert View Elementary
- Northpark Elementary
- Sage Elementary
- Stagecoach Elementary
- Walnut Elementary
Targeted Assistance Title I Programs
Targed assistance Title I programs provide services to children identified as failing, or at risk of failing, to meet the state's challenging student academic achievement standards. Funds are used to provide extra help in reading and/or math.
Targeted Assistance Title 1 Program schools are:
- None at this time
Title I Links & Information
- District 24-25 Family Engagement Policy.pdf Opens in a new browser tab
- District 24-25 Family Engagement Policy (Spanish).pdf Opens in a new browser tab
- Federal Programs Procedure Manual 2023-24.pdf Opens in a new browser tab
- Supplement Not Supplant Opens in a new browser tab
- 2024-25 Final Methodology.pdf Opens in a new browser tab
- WDE Title I Opens in a new browser tab
- District Report Card Opens in a new browser tab
- Youth in Transition