About our District
Dr. Joseph A. Libby
Superintendent of Schools
Sweetwater County School District #1
libbyj@sw1.k12.wy.us Opens in a new browser tab
307-352-3400 ext. 1203
Dear Members of the Sweetwater County School District #1 Community,
I am writing to express my sincere enthusiasm upon joining the Sweetwater County School District #1 as Superintendent. It is with great anticipation and dedication that I embark on this journey to contribute to the collective mission of Empowering all learners to become resilient, innovative, and compassionate individuals, equipped with the knowledge, skills, and character to thrive in the global community.
Throughout my career in education, I have been deeply committed to fostering an environment where each student is inspired to achieve their full potential. I firmly believe that education is not merely about imparting knowledge but about nurturing the whole individual—instilling resilience to overcome challenges, fostering innovation to explore new ideas, and cultivating compassion to build meaningful connections within our diverse world.
The district's commitment to preparing all students for success in life resonates deeply with my own values as an educator. I am eager to collaborate with fellow educators, administrators, and community members to uphold and enhance these core principles.
As we move forward on this academic journey together, I am committed to bringing creativity, dedication, and a student-centered approach to my role. I look forward to learning from and alongside each member of the Sweetwater County School District #1 community, embracing challenges as opportunities for growth, and collectively shaping a future where every learner thrives.
Thank you for welcoming me and my family into your community. I am excited to contribute to the educational experiences that define the Sweetwater County School District #1, and am eager to begin our shared pursuit of empowering all learners.
Joseph A. Libby, Ed.D.
Leadership Organizational Chart
District Leader Evaluation
The purpose of the Superintendent Evaluation System is to:
- Determine the effectiveness of the Superintendent in achieving the goals of the district and adhering to job expectations.
- Clarify responsibilities and expectations for the Superintendent.
- Assure the Board that its policies are being implemented and followed.
- Enhance the working relationship between the Board and the Superintendent.
- Promote the professional development of the Superintendent.
- Guide decisions relative to continued employment and compensation.
The standards and benchmarks are available at this link: WSBA Standards