Survey Results
Professional Development Survey
Staff participating in district sponsored professional development complete a survey to provide feedback on the quality of their training experience. Topics covered include:
- Did the training meet its targets
- Was the training well planned and delivered
- Did it increase knowledge
- Did it provide one or more strategies to use in classroom
- Was the instructional planning time was beneficial
Results are shared with staff, district leaders, trainers as well as on the website.
Professional Development Survey Results
Survey Results
Spring 2022
Parent Needs Assessment 2019
Certified Staff Survey Results
Staff Survey Results Spring 2023
Comments (professional development): Teachers would like more professional development in mental health and social emotional strategies to benefit students, more Dave Weber, additional Math (Eureka) teaching strategies, behavior management, trauma informed teaching, LETRS, Secret Stories, EL SpEd strategies, interventions, excel, digital data binders, cross curricular teaching, more para and sub training, differentiation, engagement strategies, motivating students and more technology training.
Comments 2 (general): Rigorous college/career training for students, we need more staff, feel more valued and respected, keep library -- library, more discipline for students, better communication and more PD.
PLC Survey Trend Data
Indicator I: We are committed to working together to achieve our collective purpose of learning for all students. We cultivate a collaborative culture through the development of high-performing teams. We are organized into collaborative teams in which members work interdependently to achieve common goals that directly impact student achievement. Structures have been put in place to ensure: • Collaboration is embedded in our routine work practice. • We are provided with time to collaborate. • We are clear on the critical questions. • Our collaborative work is monitored and supported.
Indicator II: We have identified and honor the commitments we have made to the members of our collaborative teams in order to enhance the effectiveness of our team. These articulated collective commitments or norms have clarified expectations of how our team will operate and we use them to address problems that may occur on the team.
Teacher Efficacy Survey Results