Parent Involvement for Student Achievement (PISA) Task Force
Parent Involvement for Student Achievement (PISA)
A committee consisting of 15 parents/community members, 7 teachers, 6 administrators, 5 district staff and 3 school board members met during September of 2021 to review data, generate questions, brainstorm solutions and recommend ideas on how to improve student achievement. The team analyzed WY-TOPP, Acadience, ACT, Climate and Culture data and generated questions. The themes that appeared after reviewing data and generating questions included: Instruction and Learning, College/Career Readiness and Job skills, Culture & Climate, Innovation and Post-Pandemic: Functioning in a Changing Society and Moving Forward, Leadership: Taking Risks and Community Partnerships & Service: Giving Back. Groups were then involved in a gallery walk where input from every person was charted. The teams then chose two high-impact strategies to be voted on by the group and consensus was reached. The group chose the following goals to work on:
- Build relationships with parents and community involvement
- Define priority standards and teach all students to mastery
- Embed purposefully planned relationship building in schools and classrooms
Action plans are being written by sub-committees and the draft plans will be forwarded to Principal PLC, the Cabinet and the Sweetwater#1 Board of Trustees for action.